My Pension

Complete registration

This service is currently unavailable. Please try again later.

Received your activation key?

Complete your registration by entering your activation key below. Please be sure to enter this exactly as shown.

Required field
You have entered an invalid NI Number. Please try again.
Invalid Date.
It is an 8 digit key with upper case, lower case and numeric characters and is case sensitive or if you do not have an activation code you can 'Sign up for a My Pension account' below.

Not got an activation key?

Register online to receive your personal activation key.

Registered for an activation key but not received it?

Your activation key will have been sent to the email address we have on file for you. If we do not hold an email address on file, we will post the activation key to your home address. Please allow five days to receive your activation key before registering again.

Email activation keys are valid for 24 hours. If you have received your activation key by post it will remain valid for six months. If your activation key has expired, you will need to register again to receive a new one.

Our three step registration process ensures you get secure access to your account.

For additional help with registering or logging in please visit the Support with my online account page on our website.

1. Register

Register to receive your activation key by email or in the post.


2. Complete registration

Once you have received your activation key, you can complete your registration.


3. Login

After completing the registration process you can login to My Pension at any time.